HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT / pečovatelka senior house
As a Health Care Assistant, your role is to attend to our resident’s personal care, from getting residents ready for the day ahead to helping with meal times. You will make sure all their physical and emotional needs are met in a way that’s caring, kind and respectful. In time, you will get to know our residents individually and their families/friends so you can find out how a resident likes to do things. They might enjoy reading the daily newspaper with a cup of tea every day at 10am! It will be your job to know what keeps our residents happy.
You will support individual and group based activities and will promote independence and choice for our residents. Working in a team with all care home staff, you will keep residents‘ personal care plans up to date to ensure all staff understand
To share with other staff in meeting the personal care and support needs of customers in a way that respects the dignity of the individual and promotes their independence. The care and support provided by Care and Support Workers is expected to include support that would reasonably be given by members of the customer’s family and is not to include tasks that would normally be undertaken by a trained nurse.
LIVE-IN CARE ASSISTANT / pečovatelka u klientů v domácnosti
To live in the customers home and support their daily living as
assessed by the Company. To meet the personal care and
support needs of customers in a way that respects the dignity
of the individual and promotes their independence. The care
and support provided by Care and Support Workers is
expected to include support that would reasonably be given by
members of the customer’s family and is not to include tasks
that would normally be undertaken by a trained nurse.
To assist customers who need help getting up and going to bed in the morning and evenings, including
dressing and undressing, washing, bathing and going to the toilet.
DOMICILIARY CARE ASSISTANT/HOME CARER / pečovatelka, dojíždí domů za klienty
To support adults with autism and related
disabilities in the attainment of knowledge
and skills that will enhance their well-being,
independence and social inclusion.
Ensuring high quality nursing care is coordinated and delivered using a family focused model of practice. Work as part of a cohesive multidisciplinary team ensuring patient care is delivered smoothly and efficiently. The expectations within this job description will be achieved through hands-on clinical practice, education and training and research.
As a Registered General Nurse you will be required to provide and supervise the delivery of high quality nursing care to residents in accordance with up to date, evidence-based professional practice and the Company’s policies and procedures. Working in a team with all nursing home staff, you will keep residents‘ personal care plans up to date to ensure all staff understand a resident’s care needs and preferences always.
To effectively and efficiently deliver the main duties encompassed within the role. To meet the requirements within a residential setting for young people who display challenging and disruptive behaviours.
To provide personal care to our Residents in line with the core values and values framework of the Home ensuring these are utilised at all times and to ensure that such care is delivered in line with the Resident’s individual care plan.
- Ensure the personal care and other health needs of Residents are met and that assigned duties are executed in a professional and caring manner giving due regard to the Home’s core values and values framework and the Skills for Care Code of Conduct for Health and Social Care Workers.
- To ensure all relevant clinical documentation is in place, reflects the current clinical and care needs of the Resident as is updated monthly, (or more often if the Residents condition changes) to ensure accurate records are maintained, in line with the Home’s policies and procedures.
- To monitor the health needs of Residents to ensure appropriate escalation using the NEWs protocol to the nurse in charge as appropriate.
- To work co-operatively with colleagues in the pursuit of the responsibilities of the post, with due regard to our diversity and inclusion framework and policies. To carry out the reasonable instructions of the senior nurse in charge or management staff to ensure optimal use of resources within the Home to ensure high quality care can be delivered at all times.
- To attend rostered shifts as defined in the off-duty and to follow all HR policies and procedures in the event of being unable to attend for a rostered shift; understanding that such absence risks service levels and has the potential to compromise standards of care.
- To ensure concepts learnt during mandatory training sessions, (health and safety, inflectional control, core values, and fire safety – this is not an exhaustive list) are upheld and demonstrated in practice during your working shift.
- To act at all times to uphold the CQC domains ensuring care delivered is safe, caring, effective and responsive.
- To use the clinical governance framework and adverse event reporting procedures as per the Home’s policy and procedures to identify and report any adverse events, particularly in respect of patient safety or other reportable events.